There's only one reason you've clicked on this post: it's that time of year again.
Exam season is here and you're looking for the perfect strategy to maximise your results. Here's how to revise for university exams.

How to Revise for University Exams
Make A Revision Plan
Decide how much revision you want to do each day or each week. (We recommend 4 hours per day).
Create a timetable that breaks down your study sessions into manageable chunks.
Prioritise topics based on their weight in the exam and their difficulty.
Having a structured plan keeps you on track and makes sure that you've covered everything. This will really help relieve some of the stress.

Organise Your Study Material
Collect all of your notes, lecture slides, text books and anything else you've got.
Sort all of your resources by subject and topic.
Check the exam specification to make sure you've got every resource you need for each topic. If not you can find great study resources at Studocu.
Set yourself up with the best possible start to your revision. Don't waste planned study time scrambling through sheets of paper.

Memorising Information
Flashcards - The best tool for memorisation. Write questions and answers based on key facts you'll need to recall. Practice until you can rattle off every answer with ease.
Quiz a partner - Revise together with somebody else. Take turns quizzing each other on the information. Make a note of anything you get wrong.
Acronyms & Nemonic Devices - Create funny memory aids to help with large chunks of information.
Repetition - Regularly read through or test yourself on the content in order to commit it to your long term memory.
There's way more techniques out there, just choose what works for you. But make sure your revision is active and engaging, don't just read the whole textbook.

Practice Questions and Past Papers
Past papers don't only teach you the content. They help you understand the exam format and question style in an invaluable way.
Complete the questions under timed conditions to give yourself a sense of what the exam will be like.
Carefully mark and review the past paper. Take time to understand the solution to every question you got wrong.
This step is crucial, treat it seriously and you'll be coasting on exam day.

Breaks and Rest
Take regular breaks to avoid burnout and decreased positivity.
Get outside. Go meet a friend or exercise, give your brain a chance to reset.
Even though this is the only part that has nothing to do with revision, it can have a significant impact.
Thanks for checking out this post! Just follow these steps and we're sure you'll be okay when the exam rolls around.
In other news: If you want to save money on literally anything (and you're a uni student), we're UniHub and we can definitely help.

Good luck with the exams :)