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21 Tips to Save Money as a Student

Lochlain Lacy

As a student, you've got to be "creative" with your money. Time's are always tight and you've got to stretch every penny in order to live your best student life.

Title Card

Here's 21 tips to save money as a student:

1. Food Shop in the Evenings

This one is super simple. If you shop after 6pm on an evening, you'll be able to snag all sorts of deals!

Perfectly good food is reduced to clearance towards the end of the day, and this is your opportunity to really save some money.

2. Pretend to Cancel Subscriptions

Yep, it might sound kind of weird, but you should pretend to cancel any subscriptions you have.

When you go to cancel any subscription to a platform like Spotify or Netflix, they'll try their very best to keep you as a customer. In doing this they might give you a special offer like "50% off for the next 3 months if you agree to stay".

This is an easy way for students to save.

3. Use Student Discounts for EVERYTHING

If you pick one thing from this list to do, this is the one.

With a student discount site like UniHub or Student Beans you can save money on everything.

Check it out to save money on global brands, small businesses & local events!

4. 1p Saving Challenge

I like this one, it's a little bit quirky. Here's what you need to do...

  • Open a new savings account, here's some good options.

  • On day 1, save 1p to this account.

  • On day 2, save another 2p to this account.

  • On day 3, ...

  • And finally on day 365, you'll have saved over £600!

a single penny
One penny at a time.

5. Santander 16-25 railcard

Here's one I've personally used, it's awesome.

You can open a student bank account with Santander and it's completely free. By doing so, you'll get an access code which entitles you to a free 4 year 16-25 Railcard.

This Railcard will give you 33% off all rail fares, that's a lot.

6. Free prints

There's no point blowing your budget on decorating your room when there's tons of free alternatives.

One great example is getting photos printed for free. Not only is this a great way to save money but it also really personalises the space!

Companies like FreePrints & Snapfish offer this service.

7. Quit smoking/vaping

You probably don't want to hear it, but this is huge.

If you smoke or vape you likely spend around £10 a week on this habit. That might not sound like a lot, but when you think about £520 a year, that's a pretty big dent.

I'm sure I don't need to mention the health benefits too.

8. Buy from Facebook Marketplace

Facebook Marketplace is crazy. The deals on here really can't be found anywhere else.

There's even a section to browse completely free items. If you take the time and really sift through, this tactic can be really effective.

Facebook marketplace

9. Budget per week

Don't let your finances spiral out of control. Set a budget.

Sit down for an hour and work out how much money you've got coming in each month and your regular expenses.

Set up a standing order from one bank account to another with your weekly allowed amount, this way you'll never run out of cash.

10. Freeze groceries

This is one of the best tips to save money as a student. Try your very best to never throw out groceries, and if your flatmates are going to, try take theirs too.

Items like loaves of bread and chicken breasts go out of date pretty quickly. Be organised an stick them in the freezer nice and early so they don't go to waste.

11. Put loan straight into savings

When you receive your student loan, stick it straight into a high-yield savings account.

There's now options with savings rates up to 5% per year!

If you deposited your entire £4,500 student loan into the account and left it there for an entire year, you'd end up with an extra £225.

12. Apply for student funding

There's thousands of options when it comes to applying for student funding.

Depending on your background and interests there's plenty of bursaries & grants to help support you through your studies.

13. Drink at Home

Buying drinks in clubs and bars is very expensive. Try to avoid it where possible.

Pre drinks is the only way to go. Buy alcohol yourself from the supermarket and make your own drinks at home, you'll thank me for this one.

14. Cook in Bulk & Freeze Meals

This works really well with bolognese, lasagne and plenty of other meals.

If you can buy ingredients in bulk and mass cook all of your emails you'll save a heap of money and plenty of time.


15. Walk, Don't Uber

It's that simple, walking is free.

16. Make your own tea/coffee

Following our theme, here's another way of saving money by doing things yourself at home.

With Starbucks, Costa & Cafe Nero all charging extortionate prices, you can really make a difference by making coffee at home.

17. Buy Stolen Things (Legally)

Let's finish with a weird one. Did you know you can buy stolen items legally and grab yourself a steep discount.

This is made possible by police auctions. Just give it a google or head over to eBay and you'll see all sorts of options and great deals.

Thanks for checking out this post, I hope it helped you out. If you really want to save money, you should probably sign up to UniHub about now.

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